Outdoors for All staff is made up of an enthusiastic group of individuals with diverse backgrounds. Our strong team includes a mix of 21 full and part-time staff members as well as the utilization of over 850 volunteers on an annual basis. Our team has a strong collective knowledge built on years of experience in the industry. Learn more about our STAFF.
At Outdoors for All, it is vital our investors are confident in their return on investment and know the incredible impact their support has on the individuals, families and communities who need us. As an organization, we emphasize accountability, transparency and fiscal health as top priorities in achieving the transformative social, personal and family development our programs are designed to accomplish. For more information about Outdoors for All’s financial health and initiatives in accountability and transparency, please download these documents.
Outdoors for All is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the IRS code. Charitable gifts are deductible as allowed by this code. IRS Number 91-1085999.
Outdoors for All does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, physical and developmental disabilities, or national and ethnic origin in its hiring, volunteer recruitment, admission policies or its financial aid programs.
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