Online Registration
You can also register over the phone by calling our main Bellevue office at (206) 838-6030 Ext. 200
If you have questions about registration or need assistance, please give us a call or send an email to
Updates: Winter Program registration is open now!
Registration Process & Notes
Financial Aid
Outdoors for All’s aim is to remove economic barriers that may prevent participants from accessing the outdoors. Financial Aid is available to participants.
Step 1: Navigate to the Online Registration Portal.
Step 2: Select the activity you would like to register for and select “Enroll Now”.
Step 3: Sign in or create an account. (Caregivers will need to make an account for themselves and then add the participant as a family member)
Step 4: In the drop-down menu select the participant’s name.
Step 5: Follow the prompts and answer the activity questions.
Step 6: You will be prompted to add your initials if you accept the General Liability & Registration Policies
Step 7: Click “Add to cart” then “Checkout” on the next page.
Step 8: Enter your payment information.
More details of the activity will be sent closer to the activity date.