Volunteer Information
Volunteers are an integral part of our operations, and we are always looking for enthusiastic and reliable people to join our team. There are several ways to volunteer with our year-round outdoor recreation programs, fundraising events, and more.
Start by expanding the tabs below to learn about a specific role or activity. After you have reviewed this information, you can sign up as a Winter Volunteer at the links below. Our volunteer opportunities change throughout the year. A specific activity you are interested in may not have any upcoming opportunities available.
New Volunteers
Welcome! We are so excited that you are interested in Outdoors for All. Whether you want to volunteer for our Downhill Skiing program or a fundraising event like our annual Gala Auction, we want you to feel supported throughout every step of the process.
Signing up for a volunteer position is simple and easy. Navigate the dropdown menus below to learn more about a specific program you are interested in.
Outdoors for All has created a core curriculum of self-paced, virtual trainings for you to get started. These trainings are required and must be completed before you volunteer.
- Complete the following mandatory virtual trainings using this link.
- New Volunteer Orientation (only complete if you are a new volunteer)
- Participant Protection Policies
- Disability Awareness
For questions or comments, please email volunteer@outdoorsforall.org
Get Started
Enriching Lives
Volunteers help enrich the lives of children and adults with disabilities through outdoor recreation by supporting our programs and events.
An Incredible Community
With thousands of participants and hundreds of active volunteers annually, our community consists of passionate supporters and outdoor enthusiasts who care deeply about our mission. Volunteering is a great opportunity to meet new people, build relationships, gain new mentors, learn new skills, expand your perspective, and more.
Volunteer Appreciation Events
We host fun seasonal parties for our volunteers. We typically have a Winter Kick Off Party, an end of season Winter Volunteer Appreciation Party, and an end of season Summer Volunteer Appreciation Party.
Volunteer Recognition
Outstanding volunteers are nominated by Outdoors for All staff, participants, and fellow volunteers, and they are highlighted throughout the year in various ways. We also select a volunteer to honor at our annual Gala Auction each fall.
Pro-deals and Discounts
Volunteers are invited to receive pro-deal pricing (30–70% off) on over 200 outdoor brands. This is available to all volunteers. Occasionally, we may be able to offer other local discounts for volunteers. Please contact volunteer@outdoorsforall.org if interested.
Winter Season Pass
Winter instructors who volunteer for a full seven-week series are eligible to purchase a highly discounted season pass for the mountain they volunteer at.
If you would like to stay in the loop about upcoming volunteer opportunities, subscribe to our Volunteer Opportunities e-mail. Additionally, you can join our eNews list to receive general updates from Outdoors for All.
Program Training
Training requirements vary per program for both new and returning volunteers. Program specific training requirements are listed in the volunteer job posting.
Minimum Age
Many programs and events require volunteers to be 14 years or older, and for some programs/events or specific roles, the minimum age may be higher.
All age requirements are listed on the job posting of each program activity.
*The best opportunities for youth who are 14–17 is our Day Camps during the summer and Instructor/Race Crew roles (for downhill skiing and snowboarding only) in the winter. Additionally, many of our fundraising events accommodate volunteers who are 14 years and older.
Release of Liability:
All volunteers are required to sign a Release of Liability each year. When you register for a specific volunteer opportunity, you will sign an electronic Release of Liability in the registration form. *Minors must have a parent/legal guardian electronically sign on their behalf
Background Check:
All volunteers working with participants in a multi-day program series are required to complete a background check authorization form and clear a background check annually. When you register for a specific volunteer opportunity, you will fill this out electronically in the registration form.
Other Paperwork:
Some programs and events may require supplemental application materials or additional paperwork, which will be listed under our registration page.
Skill Expectations
Typically, our program series require either a general background or basic to advanced skills based on the program and volunteer role. These expectations are outlined under each program activity below.
Example of skills required:
- In our winter programs, you must be an intermediate or advanced downhill skier or snowboarder to be an Instructor.
- In our winter programs, you must be an advanced skier or snowboarder to be a Sit Ski Instructor.
- In our rock climbing series, you need to have previous belaying experience or be belay certified at a specific climbing gym.
Example of general background:
- In our cycling programs, you need familiarity and background in riding bikes, but do not need to be an expert cyclist.
- In our kayaking programs, you need to be familiar with water sports and be comfortable out on the water, but do not need to be an expert paddler.
Outdoors for All welcomes group volunteers to support our fundraising events, special projects, and program days. Whether you have a group of coworkers, friends, family, teammates, etc., we are happy to see if there is a fit for your group in a volunteer capacity.
Fundraising Events
Typically our group needs range from 5–15+ volunteers, but we have capacity for larger groups in this category as we often need 50+ volunteers for some of our larger scale events.
- Gala Auction (Fall)
- Spreefest (March)
- Springfest at Stevens Pass (Last day of Stevens Pass season)
- Other Beneficiary Events (Year Round)
Special Projects
Typically our group needs range from 5–15 volunteers.
- Micro-volunteering/work parties for events (Year Round)
- Gear Maintenance (September & April)
- Facility Projects (Year Round)
Typically our group needs range from 5–10 volunteers.
To learn more about setting up a group volunteer day, please contact our Volunteer Manager at volunteer@outdoorsforall.org
Volunteer Program Activities
Each winter, we need hundreds of volunteers to support our seven-week Winter Program Series at the Summit at Snoqualmie and Stevens Pass. Volunteers serve as instructors and other support roles with our downhill skiing and snowboarding lessons.
In addition to the 7-week series, we also offer Group Programs that are one-time downhill ski and snowboard lessons, typically open only to our current winter volunteers.
Winter Program Series
Volunteer Roles:
Volunteers are needed as Instructors, Race Coaches, Race Crew, Drivers, Vehicle Chaperones, Equipment Managers, and Lodge Assistants
Time of Year:
December–March; Wednesday Nights, Friday Nights, Saturdays, and Sundays
The Summit at Snoqualmie and Stevens Pass (Stevens Pass is Saturdays and Sundays only)
Volunteer Requirements:
Varies per role
Each winter, we need hundreds of volunteers to support our seven-week cross-country skiing and snowshoeing programs at the Summit at Snoqualmie for our Saturday series between January–February.
In addition to the 7-week series, we also offer Group Programs, which are single day events with partner organizations.
Winter Program Series
Volunteer Roles:
Volunteers are needed as Instructors, Race Coaches, Drivers, and Vehicle Chaperones
Time of Year:
January–February, Saturdays
The Summit at Snoqualmie
Outdoors for All’s fleet of adaptive cycles is one of the largest in the country, with over 230 cycles. About 70% of them are adaptive cycles. There are a number of ways to get involved in our cycling programs ranging from working with beginners to bike maintenance at one of our Adaptive Cycling Centers. Our main programs include Learn to Ride, Gravel Biking, Adaptive Cycling Center Support, Bike Maintenance, and Group Programs with partner organizations.
Learn To Ride A Bike Series
This 4-week series is designed to help participants (ages 5 and older) gain the skills and confidence needed to ride a bike independently. Volunteers are needed as Instructors, where you will be working with participants on cycling safety, rules of the road, balance on the cycle, braking, handling skills and advanced cycling techniques.
Group Programs
These are single day cycling programs with partner organizations. Typically, participants ride around a park, easy path, or school track as an introduction to the activity.
Volunteers are needed to help setup cycles, assist participants in selecting a cycle, make adjustments to the bike, and guide participants as they ride.
Gravel Biking
Adaptive Cycling Center Support
Bike Maintenance
Outdoors for All has over 230 adaptive bikes and trikes that need maintenance throughout the year. Winter is a good time for us to do more in-depth repairs on our fleet. You can help us by conducting general maintenance on our bikes, including: safety checks, replacing brake and shifter cables, replacing brake pads lubing and greasing bearings, steering, and frame components, and identifying potential issues.
Mountain Biking Program Series
Outdoors for all through a partnership with Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance offers multiple summer mountain biking series. These are multi week sessions designed for those who are new to mountain biking. Skills include but are not limited to body movements, vision, bike handling, mountain bike etiquette, basic bike maintenance, and care.
Volunteer Role:
Volunteers are needed as lead instructors and support riders.
Time of Year:
May–September; typically a multi week series held on consecutive weekday evenings.
Trail locations change throughout the series
Volunteer Requirements:
- Age: 18 years or older
- Commitment: Volunteers are needed full time for the multi week series
- Equipment: Must be able to provide your own mountain bike (a full suspension mountain bike or hardtail mountain bike) and helmet
During the summer months, we offer a kayaking program series at Magnuson Park on Lake Washington and at Sunset Beach at Lake Sammamish State Park. We also offer kayaking Group Programs with partner organizations as well as youth and adult day camp kayak days.
Kayaking Program Series
Our kayak series programs are typically three weeks long, and take place on a weekday evening. Kayaking volunteers will act as captains of tandem kayaks and provide overall supervision of participants on the water. Participants are both youth and adults. Kayaks and PFDs are provided.
Day Camp Kayak Days
Group Programs
Indoor Climbing Volunteer Info:
Volunteers belay, fit harnesses and helmets, assist with hand and foot placement, and provide encouragement and supervision to participants both on and off the rock walls.
Time of Year:
Year round. Typically occurs less during the winter months.
Edgeworks and Vertical World
Volunteer Requirements:
- Age: 16 years or older
- Skills: Familiarity with rock climbing and ability to pass a belay check
- Commitment: Full duration of the program
- Equipment: Harness and rock climbing shoes; if you do not have your own equipment. Often times volunteers can utilize our equipment. All other rock climbing gear is provided (belay devices, rope, etc.)
- Virtual Training
- Must be belay certified at a specific climbing gym
Outdoor Summer Rock Climbing Series Volunteer Info:
Volunteers belay, fit harnesses and helmets, assist with hand and foot placement, and provide encouragement and supervision to participants both on and off the rock walls.
Time of Year:
June–September; typically offered as a 4 week series mid-week in the evenings.
Exit 38, Deception Crags
Volunteer Requirements:
- Age: 16 years or older
- Skills: Familiarity with rock climbing and ability to pass a belay check
- Commitment: Volunteers are needed full time for the full four week series (one day a week for four weeks)
- Equipment: Harness, helmet, and rock climbing shoes; if you do not have your own equipment, often times volunteers can utilize our equipment; all other rock climbing gear is provided (belay devices, rope, etc.)
- Rock Climbing Training
- Virtual Training
Outdoors for All offers two types of summer camps: Youth Camps for participants ages 5–17 and Adult Adventure Days for participants who are 18 years or older. Both camps incorporate various outdoor activities, including cycling, kayaking, rock climbing and more.
Youth Camps
This program provides an active camp environment for children with and without disabilities ages 5 – 17. Campers will be on the move enjoying activities that may include rock climbing, kayaking, swimming, cycling, hiking, trips to the zoo, and visits to local parks.
Volunteer Role:
Each of our camps are staffed with two to four Outdoors for All summer staff. Volunteers will support staff throughout the week with camp activities and participant supervision.
Time of Year:
Summer months (June to August), and spring break (April). Camps run Monday through Friday from 8:45 AM to 3:15 PM.
We typically have two camp locations: Magnuson Park in Northeast Seattle, and Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah
Volunteer Requirements:
- Age: 14+
- If you are between 14 – 17 years old, you must fill out an online application. You must be accepted to volunteer.
- Complete Virtual Training
- Complete day-of orientation which will take place on the Monday of each program week.
Adult Adventure Days
Adult Adventure Days are week long camps for adults with disabilities who are 18 years or older. Participants enjoy activities such as rock climbing, kayaking, cycling, and local field trips that help them grow in life skills such as team building, communication and more.
Volunteer Role:
Each of our camps are staffed with two to four Outdoors for All summer staff. Volunteers will support staff throughout the week with camp activities and participant supervision.
Time of Year:
Summer months (June to August), mid-winter break (February), and spring break (April). Camps run Monday through Friday from 8:45 AM to 3:15 PM.
We typically have two camp locations: Magnuson Park in Northeast Seattle, and Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah.
Volunteer Requirements:
- Age: 18+
- Complete Virtual training
- Complete day-of orientation which will take place on the Monday of each program week.
Other Volunteer Roles
Outdoors for All partners with a variety of community organizations, parks and recreation departments, hospitals, and schools throughout Washington State to offer customized program days with activities such as cycling, kayaking, rock climbing, hiking, weekend excursions, and more.
Volunteer Role:
Volunteers are needed in various roles depending on the activity. Often times, we need volunteers who are already trained and participated in one of our program series to support these days. Additionally, we often need group volunteers to support these one time events.
Time of Year:
Year Round; typically a one day event (mid-week or weekend days) or full weekend excursion (Friday–Sunday)
Various program locations throughout Washington State
Volunteer Requirements:
- Age: Varies
- Skills: Previous experience in the program activity or current Outdoors for All volunteer in a program series with the same activity
- Commitment: Volunteers are needed for the full day
- Equipment: Varies per program and will be listed under our sign up page once the volunteer event is posted
Required Program Training
- Varies per program
Outdoors for All has multiple fundraising events throughout the year that are in need of hundreds of volunteers. The benefits to volunteering at our fundraising events include helping raise thousands of dollars to support our participants in our adaptive recreation programs and often includes the ability to attend and enjoy the event before or after your shift at no cost.
Current Major Fundraising Events
- Gala Auction (Fall)
- Spreefest (Spring)
- Other Beneficiary Events (Year Round)
Volunteer Role:
Volunteers are needed the day-of the event to support event based roles (examples include: registration, raffle ticket sellers, event-set up, data entry, tech support, and more)
Time of Year:
Year Round
Greater Seattle Area
Volunteer Requirements:
- Age: Typically 14 years or older, but varies per event and role
- Skills: Varies per role but often times none required
- Commitment: Typically from 3–6 hour shifts
Required Training
- None required; we provide orientations the day-of the event