Continued Education

Winter Clinics

Instructors volunteering for our Saturday programs at The Summit and Stevens Pass are encouraged to attend after-lesson clinics. You do not need to sign-up beforehand. Please tell your Outdoors for All staff lead you would like to join. Below is the schedule and clinic topics.

Saturday Summit at Snoqualmie

  • February 17
    • Skier Improvement

Saturday Stevens Pass

  • February 24
    • Skier improvement

Volunteer Appreciation Events

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Share stories, reminisce about the epic season, and hang out with fellow volunteers. All winter volunteers are welcome! Please RSVP.

Date: March 28th

Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Location: Ascent Outdoors (new store location in Interbay!): 2201 15th Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119