SUCCESS STORY: Transforming lives of participants and volunteers

Home » SUCCESS STORY: Transforming lives of participants and volunteers
Success Story King 5 Matthew 2

In January, our Summit Friday Night program was visited by King 5’s Evening, to highlight the life transforming outcomes of our winter programs. This two minute video shows, not only how these programs affect participant’s lives, but the lives of our dedicated volunteers.

King 5 Evening video

“I had this intuition that it would be rewarding when I started volunteering, but I really underestimated how amazing the experience of being a volunteer is.”

  – Tim Scharks, Outdoors for All Volunteer

“These guys are great. They help me get on the lift and off the lift and they help me make it down the mountain. They’re the reason this can all be possible for me.”

– Matthew St. Luke, Outdoors for All Participant

*Video credit to Jack Pine Media and BakerBuilt Works