COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS: David Lentz and the Band

Community Dave Lentz

Outdoors for All is a community of volunteers, participants, staff and supporters. Sometimes these connections thrive after years and miles apart!

On the first day of Saturday Night programs at Summit West, the room was relatively quiet after the group potluck dinner. It was the first Saturday Night program after a few years off and some of the volunteers were still reacquainting. But when participant David Lentz entered the room, the room erupted, “David!”

David Lentz had participated in Outdoors for All Saturday night programs for many years and took a few years off with the program. When Saturday Night resumed he came back, and coincidentally, so did his former volunteer instructors. After years apart, they were excited to “get the band back together”.

“They’re a gang. David always has a good time and its fun having him out with people who enjoy it.”

Sue Lentz | Mother of Outdoors for All Participant, David Lentz

Volunteers Jim, Kramer, David, and – new to the band – Amanda have been speeding down Little Thunder at Summit West, going fast and having fun. Just like old times.