Outdoors for All’s Parkinson’s Tandem Cycle program started as a study of the effects of cycling on Parkinson’s led by UW Medicine in partnership with Outdoors for All Foundation and Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Lifelong Recreation program. The pilot class was so successful with attendance and outcome, Outdoors for All continues the program continuing this partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Lifelong Recreation.
Terry, pictured second to the left in the front seat, is an Army Veteran with 22 years of service living with Parkinson’s. He started cycling through NW Hospital and now joins Outdoors for All’s Tandem classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. “I’m a glutton for punishment,” he says with a smile.
When asked why exercise is important to him, Terry responded:
“I’m not a fun person to be around when not exercising. Parkinson’s is not good, but it’s there. Exercising keeps my chin up. Even without Parkinson’s the benefits of exercise are not small.”
– Terry, Outdoors for All Parkinson’s Tandem Cycle Class Participant