Our Story in Numbers

Our Story in Numbers

Lucky seven, Sweet sixteen, Baker’s dozen, 5 senses, 12 days of Christmas, 3 stooges – numbers can sure tell a story, can’t they?

Well, here are some important numbers that help tell the story of Outdoors for All’s operations in 2014:

  • 326,124…the amount of dollars raised (with more donations still coming in) from our annual gala auction, held on October 25, 2014
  • 28,300 …is the number of hours donated by Outdoors for All volunteers in 2014.
  • 2,428…a record number of individuals with disabilities who exercised their abilities with us in 2014.
  • 700+ …volunteers actively engaged in our mission teaching skiing, coaching cycling, helping at our fundraisers like our Spree at Alpental, leading on-mountain clinics and so much more…
  • 69 …Custom Adaptive Recreation Events or Custom Events that we held in collaboration with schools, hospitals, disability advocacy groups and other nonprofits benefiting the lives of nearly 2,000 individuals with disabilities…
  • 39…members of our cycling team that trained all year long…
  • 25 …the amount of dollars one of our donors gives through a monthly charge to his credit card…
  • 13…is the minimum age of cadet volunteers for our recreation programs…
  • 5…is the minimum age for our participants with disabilities for many of our adaptive and therapeutic recreation programs…
  • 1…person, YOU, who can become involved with, donate to support, or otherwise make a difference with Outdoors for All!