What do you see?

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What do you see?

What’s the first thing you see in these photos?

Is the first thing you see here blindness? traumatic brain injury? cancer? post-traumatic stress? spinal cord injury? hemiparesis? intellectual disability?

Really, is disability the first thing you see in ANY of these photos?

Me neither!

We captured these photos of Outdoors for All Participants, Volunteers, Interns and Staff exercising their abilities together in our summer kayaking program on Lake Washington. Simply awesome!

As we come to the end of the summer season it also means the end of our fiscal year. I’m pleased to report that not only has it been our busiest year ever but that we’ve enriched the lives of more children and adults with disabilities than ever before.

Plus, we’ve delivered some powerful outcomes for these individuals and their families. All along, we’ve worked to stay true to our aim to be “mission driven, yet business minded”. Contributions from many supporters will help ensure that we end our fiscal year “in the black”.

Thank you to all of our Participants, Volunteers, Interns, Staff, and Supporters who helped make this a successful and memorable summer of life transforming experiences in the outdoors.