SUCCESS STORY: Soaring Soren at Stevens Pass

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SUCCESS STORY: Soaring Soren at Stevens Pass

Soren Oquist (pictured in the red jacket) was born with a rare genetic disorder called Trisomy 8, so rare it only has 74 documented cases in the world. Due to this disorder he has struggled with low tone and developmental delays.

“The expert geneticist at Children’s Hospital told us to hope for the best but to prepare for the worst , predicting that Soren might never coordinate both halves of his brain to walk, let alone any other balancing requirements plus he would be severely delayed academically … and pretty much have a terrible life.

“We know Soren’s time in Outdoors for All with Shannon (Pendergast) and Laurel … made a huge difference in his confidence and his ability to navigate the slopes and various pieces of equipment for snow skiing. My husband and I tried to teach him and it was completely frustrating for all of us and we also had Soren’s younger sister in the mix needing help also.  Outdoors for All gave us the freedom to help her and know that Soren was in good hands and learning how to ski safely.   Bless all of you for being part of this program!!”  

– Noelle Oquist, Soren’s Mother

“Wow, what an amazing leap forward and I could hardly believe it when I was skiing down Skid Road and found Soren and Laurel just ahead of me on Sunday.  What a great surprise in a life when the surprises are often challenges to overcome, not to celebrate .  Thank you, Outdoors for All!!”  – Noelle